Past Potlucks

What's been going on for the Austin Progressive Potluckers.

Potluck date Potluck Details Promote
01/04/2013 - 6:30pm Biotechture Training Potluck

Biotechture Training specializes in sustainability, putting together the systems you need to reduce your dependence on money, learn to live off-grid, and live free.

02/04/2012 - 7:00pm Slideluck Potshow

For three years Austin has been throwing an annual potluck to remember.

01/29/2012 - 5:30pm Bread for the Journey

A simple relationship-based philanthropy, Bread for the Journey gives small seed grants to people who are involved in positive change within the community. Referred to as "engaged spirituality" by its founder Wayne Mueller, it is a way to help those who help others.

12/03/2011 - 7:00pm Austin Progressive Potlucker Holiday Celebration

Join us for the annual Austin Progressive Potlucker holiday celebration! It's a great party that brings together Potluckers for a night of conversation, fun and food. Folks are welcome to stop in as they can during the evening, as we know this is a busy time of holiday parties.

11/27/2011 - 10:00am Ethical Society of Austin

The Ethical Society of Austin is a humanistic religious organization dedicated to personal ethics and reason, committed to the idea that each individual has inherent worth and dignity, and inspired by the ideal that the supreme aim of human life is working to create a more humane society.

10/15/2011 - 6:30pm Vegetarian Network of Austin

We're excited to join our hosts, the Vegetarian Network of Austin, at their October potluck event, a special potluck with a focus on vegetarian chili!  The Vegetarian Network of Austin (VNA) is committed to social change toward a vegetarian lifestyle which is free of animal products and animal te

09/10/2011 - 6:00pm Happy Living with Justice

Happy Living with Justice hosts yoga classes as an outreach tool to increase awareness and activism on peace, justice and environmental issues so that more and more people live a lifestyle in harmony with the welfare of the entire world (particularly the  underprivileged people) and its ecosystem

08/14/2011 - 6:30pm Austin Progressive Potluckers: Hostelling International - Austin

Hostelling International Austin provides accommodation for travelers from around the world and other cultural activities for visitors and Austin residents.

07/30/2011 - 7:30pm Austin Progressive Potluckers: Friends of Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge

The Friends of Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge mission is to support, complete, and enhance the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge and its diverse ecology and promote its use for recreational, educational, and scientific purposes.

06/26/2011 - 7:30pm Austin Progressive Potluckers: Concert in the Park hosted by the Hartman Foundation

And now, for something completely different...

Departing from our usual hosted format, this month we're taking advantage of a fun, free and festive forum that's family-friendly and fostered by a foundation!

05/15/2011 - 5:00pm Austin Progressive Potluckers: Austin Time Exchange Network

The Austin Time Exchange Network (ATEN) is a local program that enables individuals to provide and receive skills and services within a network of people and organizations in Greater Austin.

04/12/2011 - 6:30pm Austin Progressive Potluckers: Austin Regional Group of the Sierra Club Annual Picnic

Join us for the Austin Sierra Club’s annual potluck picnic at Zilker Rock Garden Picnic Area. There will not be a formal meeting, just a great meal with like-minded folks and plenty of visiting and fellowship. Everyone is welcome, members and non-members alike.
