Rainwater harvesting with Sustainable technology

Slow Sand Filters are cheap, effective mechanical means of filtering water without using chemicals. This website tells you more about them.

They have been experimenting with and recording the results of various slow sand filters for several years.



Forage Legumes for Texas

Texas A&M AgriLife Research & Extension Center at Overton

Proceedings: Adjusting to High Fuel and Fertilizer Prices 

Research Center Technical Report No. 2008-01 - Forage Legumes for Texas (PDF)


Gives an overview of forage legume species, which are divided into annuals, perennials and biennials, and each of these categories is further divided into cool- and warm-season forages. 



Dynamic Accumulators of Nutrients for Composting - Oregon Biodynamic Group

This is an online table of Dynamic Accumulators of Nutrients for Composting published by the 

Oregon Biodynamic Group

. The chart provides the Common Name, Botanical Name and the elements Na, I, Fl, B, Si, S, N, Mg, Ca, K, P, Mn, Fe, Cu, and CO. You may download a printable version.


If you go to the Appendices page, you'l find links to pages on



Recommended Edible Variety Lists by Sunset Climate Zone Maps

This is an online tool published by L.E.Cook. You can enter either your Sunset Climate Zone Map or your Zip Code. Includes parts of Canada.


If you choose to right click on your Sunset Zone, you'll get a PDF.



Perennial/Semi-perennial Plants That Grow WELL in Austin

Urban Patchwork Collaboration Spreadsheet of perennials and semi-perennials for Austin (USDA Zone 8B)


Includes harvest window, size, habit, useage and other items of interest.


While this is intended primarily for Austin, these plants should do well in USDA Zone 8B.



Summer Cover Crop Species Adapted to North-Central West Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma

United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service

Technical Note No: TX-PM-14-01 - Plant Materials Technical Note 

January 2014 


This PDF publication lists techincal notes about many summer cover crop species. While the title says it is about plants "Adapted to North-Central West Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma", the species listed are not limited to those areas.

A sample article:



Winter Cover Crop Species Adapted to North-Central West Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma

United States Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service

Technical Note No: TX-PM-13-01 - Plant Materials Technical Note 

June 2013 

This PDF publication lists techincal notes about many winter cover crop species. While the title says it is about plants "Adapted to North-Central West Texas and Southwestern Oklahoma", the species listed are not limited to those areas.

A sample article:



Cover Crops Solutions Chart


Cover Crops Solutions Chart


Use these charts as a general guide to help you choose the best cover crop for your growing situation.

Remember that this type of chart has inherent limitations. For example, although crimson clover is marked “Tolerates mowing,” you should not mow it in mid-late spring because it needs to grow during that time in order to re-seed itself.

Published by Peaceful Valley Farm Supply, Inc.




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