water catchment

Watershed Protection Ordinance: Stakeholder Meetings

Permie Taelor's picture


Fri, 04/04/2014 - 11:00am to 6:45pm
Fri, 04/11/2014 - 11:00am to 6:45pm
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 11:00am to 6:45pm
Fri, 04/18/2014 - 11:00am to 6:45pm

On October 17, 2013, the Austin City Council passed a new Watershed Protection Ordinance to improve creek and floodplain protection; prevent unsustainable public expense on drainage systems; simplify development regulations where possible; and minimize the impact on


Integrated Water Management Training for Buildings and Sites

Permie Taelor's picture


Fri, 01/25/2013 - 1:00pm to 5:00pm

Water is becoming an increasingly valued resource and its conservation may become one of the most important objectives of the 21st century. This half-day course, developed by GRHC and the American Society of Irrigation Consultants examines systems and strategies which manage stormwater and optimize water efficiency of buildings and sites.



Certified Permaculture Design Course - Two Week Intensive - Spring 2013

TheronBeaudreau's picture


Sat, 04/27/2013 - 7:30am to Sun, 05/12/2013 - 10:00pm

This certified Permaculture Design Course is a mind expanding and paradigm shifting experience you won't want to miss. Participants have the opportunity to co-create designs for urban and suburban environments and learn about natural building, community cultivation and earth restoration strategies applicable to life anywhere on the planet.

You can watch a preview of what attending a Permaculture Design Course at Creation Flame is like here: http://vimeo.com/48594731


Sustainability with Hybrid Earthships / Monolithic Domes & Aquapoincs


Sat, 11/17/2012 - 9:00am to Sun, 11/18/2012 - 4:00pm

Learn how to become sustainable, live off-grid, and grow your own organic food.

2-Day Seminar, Saturday and Sunday, 9AM to 4PM each day, in Cedar Creek Tx  

Exact location will be provided when you register.

Seminar will cover:

*Earthship construction based on Mike Reynolds concepts, combined with Monolithic domes using new materials and techniques that drastically reduce cost

*Food production of produce and protein with Aquaponics

*Thermal mass principles

*Cooling with convection draw

*Thermal mass rocket heaters


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