Food Forest

Movie time! Food Forests 101

selwyn's picture


Sun, 08/17/2014 - 2:00pm to 4:00pm

What is a food forest, and what does it look like in our backyard? Our neighborhood? Our community? What role do our feathered friends play in this perennial food system?

Bring a finger food snack to share and join us for a summer food movie and discussion at the Sustainable Food Center headquarters. We'll be watching excerpts from the Establishing a Food Forest with Geoff Lawton dvd (with permission for public viewing granted from the Permaculture Research Institute and EcoFilms Australia).


Permablitz at Eastside Memorial High School!

Permie Taelor's picture


Sat, 05/10/2014 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sun, 05/11/2014 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

We're at it again! This May 10-11th please join us at Eastside Memorial High School to help us teach the students there how to build a perennial food garden and learn how to do so yourself. This will be the first high school we have blitzed at and we are very excited about it!


Permablitz at Yellow Bike Project

Permie Taelor's picture


Sat, 02/08/2014 - 9:00am to 5:00pm
Sun, 02/09/2014 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

Please come out to actively learn how to build a perennial food garden. This is a really excellent space to have a garden for many people to experience and learn from. Please come out and get your hands dirty!

The schedule of each blitz is generally as follows:


9am-9:45am - Introduction to the purpose of the Permablitz and description of the berm/swale system


2nd Annual East Feast Harvest Celebration!

Permie Taelor's picture


Sun, 11/03/2013 - 3:00pm to 8:00pm

The time has come to gather with friends and neighbors for the 2nd Annual East Feast Celebration at Festival Beach!

We are excited to share accomplishments, goals and dreams... and a delicious potluck! With the fall season here the potential for locally grown and prepared dishes are limitless. Word has it that Elizabeth will once again be warming our bellies and hearts with her fantastic sweet potato soup.. and I could have sworn someone was bringin' PIE. Please bring something you'd like to share and let's have a feast, y'all.


Food Forests for All

Permie Taelor's picture


Sat, 11/09/2013 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Sun, 11/10/2013 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Sat, 11/16/2013 - 9:00am to 4:00pm

Food Forests for All

November 9th, 10th and 16th
9am - 4pm, $150
Locations: Whole Life Learning Center
& Hill Country Natives
Lead by: Caroline Riley and Mike Wolfert


I gathered together some recent messages from the austinperm listserver:

Kirby commenting on permablitzes:

Each blitz usually consists of us building 48 to 120 linear feet of berm and swale, planting the area extensively with fruit trees and farmers trees, with vines and brambles and tubers, with cover crops and annual vegetable seeds, and installing irrigation.

On the Question of Farmers Trees, Kirby answers:

Permablitz at Sacred Roots!

Permie Taelor's picture


Sat, 03/23/2013 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

A permablitz is a hands on workshop designed to help people grow a fully sustainable perennial food forest while teaching others how to do the same.

This event needs volunteers to make this dream happen. Come out to learn how to fully implement a permaculture design complete with earthworks, fruit trees, farmers trees, vegetables, and herbs.


Austin Kick-off Garden Workshop

Permie Taelor's picture


Sat, 02/23/2013 - 9:00am

Come be a part of an amazing multi-phase initiative to establish Austin’s first permanent Neighborhood Food Forest and Community Food Trail in Dove Springs (78744), a dynamic neighborhood in South East Austin.



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