Edible Garden

Recommended Edible Variety Lists by Sunset Climate Zone Maps

This is an online tool published by L.E.Cook. You can enter either your Sunset Climate Zone Map or your Zip Code. Includes parts of Canada.


If you choose to right click on your Sunset Zone, you'll get a PDF.



Permablitz at Scissortail!

Permie Taelor's picture


Sat, 02/16/2013 - 9:00am to 5:00pm

The 2nd of a series of permablitzes throughout central Texas by Kirby Fry. As of now, he has planned out 6 of these all together. We are intermixing private and public locations, to spread the love throughout the entire community, for these increasingly bountiful and ever providing foodscapes.

The first one, at The Austin Eco School, was an enormous success. I'm sure you all can't wait to get started on the 2nd one!

Kurtis and Linda Colonna will be hosting this permablitz.


Kitchen Garden

Permie Taelor's picture


Sat, 03/02/2013 - 9:00am to 4:00pm
Sun, 03/03/2013 - 9:00am to 4:00pm

Instructors: Caroline Riley Mike Wolfert, and special guests
Local lunch, tea and snacks provided

Empower yourself to be in action at your house, apartment or community garden.
Eat Locally.  


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